Ask-ing Cuil questions of Google

by | Tuesday, August 05, 2008

How do we evaluate a search engine? Chris Wilson attempts to answer this question (with help from the crowd) in his article on Slate “How To Talk to a Search Engine: Three queries to help decide if Google or Cuil or Ask is right for you?”

The three search items he suggested are, George W. Bush (with the W and the period), viagra and your own name. Read the reasons he points out…

Incidentally, I had evaluated Cuil (the day it was released) and was less than impressed, something that Wilson’s respondents also point out (read about that here). Also, Mike DeSchryver has been conducting some research on how search engines can potentially help teachers become more creative (find out more here and here).

A few randomly selected blog posts…

The medium is the massage

Nicholas Carr has an interesting post (titled Rewiring the mind) on the findings of a recent study into the information seeking behaviors of scholars. (The full study in pdf format can be downloaded here.) Carr seems to suggest that these results indicate a...

Limerick on Math & Beauty

Image credit: eoliene_pe_campii Mathematical Beauty: A limerick Punya Mishra, Jan 27, 2010 Doesn’t it just gladden your heart to see These games we can play with infinity? How can one stay aloof From the elegance of a proof And remain immune to mathematics’ subtle...

The song remains the same

The song remains the same

As I dig through my Research Gate requests I realize that I have missed out on putting some of my articles onto my website. Here is another one (and on a side note, it never hurts to make a Led Zeppelin reference in your paper - actually the paper starts with a quote...

Keynote at MITE 2019, Sydney (video)

Keynote at MITE 2019, Sydney (video)

I was recently invited to present a Keynote at the Mobile Technology in Teacher Education (MITE) 2019 Conference hosted by The University of Technology, Sydney. This was the fifth edition of the conference, and as it turns out, I had given a keynote at the first...

The political psychology of images

Browsing through Nikita Prokhorov's website (see this posting about Nikita's new blog about the process of creating ambigrams) led me to a fascinating article about how symbols and the historical weight they can carry. I think a similar issue comes up regarding the...

Faculty Development by Design

Faculty Development by Design: Integrating Technology in Higher Education. A volume in the series: Research Methods for Educational Technology. Series Editor(s): Walt Heinecke, University of Virginia Edited by: Punya Mishra, Matthew J. Koehler, Yong ZhaoThis book...

Word cloud

Tag or word clouds are visual visual depiction of user-generated tags or words on a website. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. Fonts, color, layouts can also be used to convey information. Now Kara Sevensma...

Textbooks meet Bittorrent!

NYTimes article on how publishers are responding to the advent of peer-to-peer sharing of textbook files. Check out First It Was Song Downloads. Now It’s Organic Chemistry.

Deep-Play on Michigan Radio Stateside with Cynthia Canty

I am a huge fan of Stateside with Cynthia Canty, a radio show on Michigan Radio. So imagine my excitement when I was interviewed by her about my ongoing exhibition (Deep-Play: Creativity in Math & Art through Visual Wordplay) at the MSU Museum. The interview was...


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