As I dig through my Research Gate requests I realize that I have missed out on putting some of my articles onto my website. Here is another one (and on a side note, it never hurts to make a Led Zeppelin reference in your paper – actually the paper starts with a quote from the band!):
Mishra, P., Koehler, M. J., & Kereluik, K. (2009). The song remains the same: Looking Back to the Future of Educational Technology. TechTrends, 53, 5. p. 48-53.
This is how the article begins:
Many would agree with this sentiment: “Today the world of the learner is almost un- bounded. He [sic] must acquire facts relating to a bewildering variety of places and things; he must acquire appreciations of far-reaching interrelationships. e curriculum and meth- ods of teaching must undergo a continuous ap- praisal. New subject matter and new devices for instruction are being scrutinized for their po- tential contributions to the learning process.”
What is interesting about this quote is not what it says but rather when it was written. is statement is not referring to the “net genera- tion” or to the rst “computer generation” is statement was written in 1933!