TPACK @ AERA, New York

by | Tuesday, March 11, 2008

In a few weeks TPACK will be going to AERA. There are a couple of events scheduled:

First, is a symposium titled: Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK): A Conceptual Framework With Examples for Integrating Technologies Into Teacher Education [download pdf] organized by the Special Interest Group on Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning (SIG-TACTL). Details of the symposium follow:

Abstract: This symposium will present a framework, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK), for integrating multiple technologies into teacher education. TPCK represents a new direction in understanding the complex interactions among content, pedagogy and technology that can result in successful integration of multiple technologies in classroom practice. Attendees will be provided with an overview of the TPCK framework, including its impact on issues of diversity and equity of access. This will be followed by papers on the application of TPCK to pre-and in-service teacher education programs, emphasizing mathematics, science, social studies, secondary English, and world languages. Specific strategies and examples for fostering technology integration will be included and implications and directions for future research on TPCK in teacher education will be discussed.

This session will be chaired by Joel A. Colbert (Chapman University) and the discussant is Sharon Guan (DePaul University)

There are seven presentations, in the following sequence:

Second, Matt, Andrew Polly (of University of North Carolina-Charlotte) and I have been invited to a Research Leaders Roundtable, titled TPCK,* Discussions with Leaders in the Field, organized by the Instructional Technology SIG. Here is the handout we have prepared for this session.

* These proposals were submitted prior to the shift from TPCK to TPACK.

Topics related to this post: Conference | Publications | Teaching | Technology | TPACK

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