Chaos theory

by | Friday, March 21, 2008

PCWorld article on the The 10 Most Disruptive Technology Combinations. As the article says, “Often, even great new technology needs a partner to really change the world. Here are 10 marriages of technologies that have shaken the digital world over the last 25 years.”

Topics related to this post: Design | Evolution | Technology

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Good Evil Ambigram

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Blogging SETS: Morning session

I am trying to live blog the conference: Symposium on Education Technology in Schools: Converging for Innovation & Creativity [Full agenda here]. Let us see how far I can keep this up. August 20: Morning session: The pre-conference session has been about meeting old...

What do they know? Video projects on understanding

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Game of Thrones meets Toyota meets Systems Thinking

Game of Thrones meets Toyota meets Systems Thinking

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TE150 presentation in streaming video

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Wong, Mishra, Koehler & Adams (2007)

Wong, D., Mishra, P., Koehler, M.J., & Adams, S. (2007). Teacher as Filmmaker: iVideos, Technology Education, and Professional Development. To appear in M. Girod & J. Steed (Eds.), Technology in the college classroom. Stillwater, Oklahoma: New Forums Press. Abstract:...

Good to be back, SITE 2023 New Orleans

Good to be back, SITE 2023 New Orleans

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Education in a pandemic: A crisis & opportunity

Education in a pandemic: A crisis & opportunity

Last year I was in Israel to present at the Meital Conference. When I was there I was interviewed by Lior Detal, the education correspondent for TheMarker - which led to an article in the magazine. Earlier this year, once the COVID crisis was in full swing, I was...

Of Math and Ambigrams

Mathematicians love puzzles—they love to play with numbers and shapes but often their love can turn to words and other areas that, at least on the surface, have little to do with mathematics. One form of visual wordplay with some deep connections to mathematics, and...


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