Search Results for "ambigram"


Reflection ambigram of the word "book" Henriksen, D., & Mishra, P. (Eds.). (2022). Creative Provocations: Speculations on the future of creativity, technology & learning. Springer., P., Henriksen, D. & The...

New Delhi, update

I have been at Delhi for the most part since coming to India, meeting people, developing project ideas, catching up… The only breaks have been a short trip to Nagpur (to visit my in-laws) and, coming up, another short trip to Bhubaneswar (to visit my parents). In...

Technology & research

Patrick Dickson just forwarded an article in the APA Monitor titled Beyond chalk and talk, in which Art Graesser, the new editor of Journal of Educational Psychology, indicates an openness to including more technology related articles in JEP. Patrick argued that this...

Eye Twisters

Eye Twisters: Ambigrams & other Visual Puzzles to Amaze and Entertain is a book edited by Burkard Polster, a professor of mathematics at Monash University. It features some of my work... From the back cover: Eye Twisters is all about ambigrams--words that are...

About me

{ Bio | Photos } Punya Mishra Email: Web: Skype/LinkedIn/twitter: punyamishra I am Associate Dean of Scholarship & Innovation and Professor in the Division of Educational Leadership & Innovation in the Mary Lou Fulton...


{ Math & Visual Wordplay | Illusory New Year's Videos | Academic Poetry } { Fun work videos | Fun Fun videos | Math Poetry | Playing with Images & Words }    Two different representations of the word "Deep-Play" (in and of itself an example of deep-play).  The...


{ Courses } Mirror ambigram for the word "feedback" i.e. it will read the same when reflected in a mirror  I approach my teaching as a designer, attempting to craft powerful, compelling, aesthetic, and rewarding learning experiences for my students. I expect and...

Psychology of Media

Rotational ambigram for "media" Good design of educational technology needs to build on an understanding of what particular technologies can (or cannot) do. An important part of my research has been to develop a better understanding of the psychological affordances of...

Design & Pedagogy

Ambigram design for the word "design" - it reads the same even when rotated 180-degrees.  Design is much more than merely understanding the affordances and capabilities of new media. In order to understand technological innovation (be it the design of a mousetrap or a...

Research: TPACK

The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework, is one of the most influential frameworks for technology integration in teaching, first introduced in Mishra and Koehler (2006). The framework seeks to capture some of the essential qualities of...


In the first part of career, my research focused on the cognitive, aesthetic, and social aspects related to the design and use of computer based learning environments. My initial work looked at the psychological aspects of working with interactive media. Over time my...