Truly grasping 4-D

by | Monday, August 25, 2008

Understanding 4D while living in a 3D world.
A stunning series of videos (freely available for download or online viewing) that teach you how to to visualize four dimensions. Titled Dimensions, these videos were created by a French professor of mathematics in collaboration with a graduate student and a Belgian artist.

What is truly amazing is that these videos are actually 2D (as all videos are). So in essence we are understanding the nature of the 4th dimension through representations that are actually 2 dimensional. I wonder if it would be easier to visualize the 4th dimension if we had holographic 3D representations that we could manipulate? Absolutely fantastic, none the less.

A few randomly selected blog posts…

SITE 2008: A preview

Matt and I are at the SITE conference next week. He has blogged about it here... so I need to do my bit. We have a busy schedule at Las Vegas, which means less time for all the fun stuff. The big one is the Keynote by Matt and myself (more details below). Here is a...

The TPACK framework in the Handbook of Ed Comm & Tech (4th Ed.)

Hot off the press: The Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology, edited by Spector, Merrill, Elen & Bishop. And we have a chapter in it... Complete reference and abstract below:  Koehler, M. J., Mishra, P., Kereluik, K., Shin, T.S., &...

Psychology and Coercive Interrogation, the history

In the context of my previous posting, here is an article that provides "a brief historical summary of the research into forms of coercive persuasion, primarily sensory deprivation, conducted 35 to 50 years ago, in which psychologists, psychoanalysts, and...

It HAS to hallucinate: The true nature of LLM’s

It HAS to hallucinate: The true nature of LLM’s

Though Generative AI is receiving a great deal of attention lately, I am not entirely sure that the discussions of these technologies and their impact on education and society at large genuinely engage with the true nature of these technologies. In fact I have argued...

Arriving in Malaysia

I am currently in Kuala Lumpur, arrived here last night, after spending a night at Delhi. I stayed with my old high-school buddy (Hartosh) and his wife, Paminder. We spent a nice evening chatting and catching up – since a lot had happened since we had last met, not...

Happy Diwali

Diwali is one of the most important of Indian/Hindu festivals. The best part of Diwali (at least for the children) are the fireworks. Click here to enjoy a pollution-free Diwali Card. Enjoy (and don't forget to click on the night sky!)

Too cool for school: Using the TPACK framework

Matt Koehler and I just published an article in Learning & Leading with Technology, the membership magazine of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). The complete citation is as follows: Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2009, May). Too Cool for...

AI in Education: Potentials, Perils & Policies

AI in Education: Potentials, Perils & Policies

NORRAG, based at the Geneva Graduate Institute, is a global network focused on international education policy and cooperation, known for its commitment to addressing under-researched topics related to education quality and equity and amplifying voices from the Global...

Unpacking Design & Creativity @ Purdue

The presentation Unpacking Design and creativity: What I think I know, and what I (quite certainly) don't is done, and it went well (I think). You can read the abstract here or view the presentation below Or see it full screen, by clicking here. After the presentation...


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