Pogue on design

by | Thursday, July 31, 2008

David Pogue has couple of great examples in his latest posting about bad design in the world of software. Check out: It’s the Software, Not You. Potentially useful in CEP817/917…

Topics related to this post: Design | Engineering | Good | Bad Design | Representation | Teaching | Technology

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Designing for Creative Learning Environments: New chapter

Designing for Creative Learning Environments: New chapter

In 2017, Carmen Richardson and I co-authored a paper (Richardson & Mishra, 2017) introducing SCALE: Support of Creativity in Learning Environment: SCALE, a tool created to evaluate how well educational settings foster student creativity. Unlike formal evaluation...

No excuses! Veja du (or don’t you)

Excusado by Edward Weston I have written earlier about the idea of veja du (which ended up becoming an assignment in my creativity class). To recap: ... if déjà vu is the process by which something strange becomes, abruptly and surprisingly familiar, véjà du is the...

Education by Design, new fall course

Education by Design, new fall course

I am excited about my new fall course, titled Education by Design. This is a heavily reimagined version of a class that I taught a couple of times at MSU and once here (last fall at ASU). The MSU version that I co-taught with Danah Henriksen received First...

Review of TPACK Handbook 2nd Edition

Review of TPACK Handbook 2nd Edition

Douglas Harvey and Ronald Carol, both at Stockton University in New Jersey have reviewed the 2nd Edition of the TPACK Handbook for the journal TechTrends. You can find the review here.  Complete reference and a link to the first chapter of the handbook...

Exciting!! Edupunk refresher, hybrid PhD & more…

A few weeks ago I had posted about the hybrid Ph.D. program that we recently announced. There has been terrific interest in this program (but we are still looking for more people - so keep the emails and questions coming). As we were reviewing the various emails we...

designing research | designing technology

Matt Koehler and I usually have a end of semester show-case of work done by the students in our classes. This semester Matt has been teaching CEP955 (Research design and methods for educational psychology and educational technology) and I have been involved with...

Mind(ful) Wandering & Creativity: New article

Mind(ful) Wandering & Creativity: New article

Illustration by Punya Mishra We have covered a wide range of issues related to creativity, technology and learning in our almost decade-long series that we write for the journal TechTrends. Over the past few years we have conducted almost 30+ interviews with some of...


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