New edited series on Research to Practice

by | Sunday, May 19, 2013


A few months ago I was invited (by the Educational Technology & Management Academy, an Indian educational organization) to write a series of short practitioner-oriented articles for a new educational e-magazine they were starting. The idea was to introduce to a wider audience of educators current research findings in the fields of educational psychology and educational technology research as well as their relevance to practice.

Given my schedule, there was no way I could have taken on this additional task, but after talking with Matt Koehler, I went back to the editors with a counter suggestion. We suggested that Matt and I would take on the task of series editors while the articles would be written by an advanced graduate student. We thought this would be a good experience for the student (writing for a popular audience is not something we teach well, or at all for that matter) and would be relatively easy for us. The editors agreed and over the past few months Matt and I have been working with a couple of student volunteers in preparing our articles.

The first issue of the magazine is now available and so is the first article in the series. The first article is written by Autumn Dodge and is on the important topic of Self-Regulation. I was the primary editor (Matt being the primary editor for the next article coming up) and it was truly a pleasure working with Autumn on this. I do think the article has turned out well.

You can acces the first issue of Education Matters @ ETMA by going to the following link: (or alternatively you can download the complete pdf from Education Matters: ETMA e-Magazine Issue 1).

If you are interested in just the article  you can go to ETMA-self-regulation (PDF).
Topics related to this post: India | Learning | Psychology | Publications | Research | Teaching | Worth Reading

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