OofSI: The year that was

by | Friday, January 25, 2019

Every December the Office of Scholarship & Innovation (OofSI) team looks back at the year that was, to document and reflect on all that we have done, as well as to plan for the future. This information is then put together in a report that captures our successes and goals (both collectively and for each of our initiatives).

OofSI Initiatives
The Office of Scholarship & Innovation brings collaborative design-based problem-solving to educational systems; supports faculty research and scholarly inquiry in education; creates and leverages digital technologies for acquiring and disseminating knowledge.

Specifically, in the latest report we address how OofSI over the past year has:

  1. Instantiated a culture of principled innovation in everything we do. Which has allowed us to be…
  2. Nimble and proactive in providing service and leadership to a range of projects, both within the Teachers College/ASU and with external partners. This in turn serves as a foundation for…
  3. Seeking new opportunities and setting new goals for the future.
Download the 2018 OofSI Report or read it online below

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Finally a note of gratitude to the amazing team I get to work with. None of what we do would be possible without their energy, passion and all-round goofy awesomeness.

OofSI 2018 team - sketch
The OofSI team. Sketch ©punyamishra

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Of teaching & cooking

Elizabeth Helfant over at Digital Learning Environments Blog has an interesting posting titled The Pancake principle. She makes a connection between technology integration and making pancakes, and offers three tenets of the Pancake principle. This posting is inspired...

Cool website…

Check this out. Very strange and a lot of fun.

Palindromes in video and poetry

Leigh Wolf just sent me a link to this extremely creative YouTube video. The funny thing is that I had seen this a while ago but I didn't get it. Of course now that Leigh explained it to me, it seems so obvious. Anyway, the narration is crafted in such a way that it...

Perfect Vacuum (OR who wrote this poem?)

Perfect Vacuum (OR who wrote this poem?)

I was cleaning out my drafts folder and came across this poem. I liked it. A lot. It has my sensibility. My sense of whimsy. But I DO NOT remember writing it. Nor do I remember finding it somewhere and copying it into an email. There is no author attributed - which...

Happy Hanukkah: New Ambigram

Happy Hanukkah: New Ambigram

In keeping with the holiday theme (see Christmas ambigram below) it seemed appropriate to create a design for Hanukkah. That task actually turned out easier than I had expected - with some natural symmetries that I could take advantage of. The "U" at the...

Using AI to digitally clone myself (AKA creating a Puny-Punya)

Using AI to digitally clone myself (AKA creating a Puny-Punya)

Note: The photo-manipulated image of me holding my own head was created almost 20 years ago by Paul Kurf, a student in my learning by design, class! Image design & layout, Punya Ethan Mollick is a professor at Wharton and he has been doing some of the most...

Pragmatic yet hopeful: Talking creativity with Barbara Kerr

Pragmatic yet hopeful: Talking creativity with Barbara Kerr

Dr. Barbara Kerr is Distinguished Professor of Counseling Psychology, and is co-director of the Center for Creativity and Entrepreneurship in Education at the University of Kansas. She utilizes innovative counseling and therapy approaches to better understand the...

Koehler, Mishra & Yahya 2007

Koehler, Mishra & Yahya (2007) is an important paper in the TPACK related work for a range of reasons. The research captured in this paper actually predates the TCRecord (Mishra & Koehler, 2006) article, but the vagaries of publishing and journal waiting-lists...

TPACK Newsletters (#28, #29 & 30)

TPACK Newsletters (#28, #29 & 30)

In the rush of summer and the move to Arizona I missed posting #28 and #29 of the TPACK newsletter, and before I knew it, #30  was here as well. Well here are links to the PDFs of all three newsletters Newsletter 28: May 2016 (pdf)Newsletter 29: July 2016...



  1. The OofSI/PI 2019 Report – Punya Mishra's Web - […] To be fair, we do more than just hang out. There is quite a bit of work involved as…

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