Science teachers and social justice

by | Monday, March 06, 2017

I have been editing a series of articles for iWonder: Rediscovering School Science, a practitioner orientated journal for middle school science teachers, published by the Azim Premji University. Our first article was titled “Why teachers should care of beauty in science education and the next one, authored by doctoral candidate Day Greenberg is about social justice in the science classroom. You can access the complete issue here and the article by following the link below:

Greenberg, D. (2017, March). Why science teachers should care about social justiceiWonder: Rediscovering School Science (1) 1, 70-73.


One of the best parts of this series is creating all the illustrations that go with the articles — a challenge I took on for the first article and now has continued on to this one as well. The three original illustrations used in this article are given below. Click on the image to see a high-resolution version. 

Fig. 1. Science and social justice – finding the balance! License: CC-BY-NC.


Fig. 2. Participatory engagement in a classroom context. In the background is a word cloud created from all the words in the Wikipedia page on “Science.” License: CC-BY-NC.


Fig. 3. The dove with an olive branch, a symbol of peace. Made from icons representative of science, flies against a word-cloud created from all the words in the Wikipedia page on “Social Justice.” License: CC-BY-NC.

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  1. Something to try: Science and Justice - Be Viral - […] Illustration of Punya Mishr. Why science teachers should care about social justice? New article… […]
  2. Algo para probar: Ciencia y Justicia ⋆ Lucky Viral - […] Ilustración de Punya Mishr. Why science teachers should care about social justice? New article… […]

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