Explore: To see … or not to see

by | Friday, April 10, 2009

I have been working with my kids on a series of short videos around the themes of Explore, Create, Share. These three words were used in my video mashup of a commercial (see the commercial AND my mashup here). Original music for this series was created by my cousin, Sonny Mishra.

The first of the set is now ready and up on YouTube. Check out Explore: To see .. or not to see.

(Other videos created by me, with our without my kids, can be seen here.)

[youtube width=”425″ height=”355″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kql3lZ3dF5A[/youtube]


A few randomly selected blog posts…

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Math-Music, serious game design

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Representing networks

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ChatGPT as a blurry jpeg of the web

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Creativity in mathematics and beyond

Creativity in mathematics and beyond

Our series of articles related to the broad topic of Rethinking technology and creativity for the 21st century in the journal TechTrends continues with a new article on creativity in mathematics. This article focuses on the 4 winners of the 2014...

Update III

David Jiles Ph.D.'s book is no longer available on the Lulu.com website. Another example of delete and hope the world will forget that I didn't do my homework. See here and here for more on this issue.

Mirror, mirror

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Mishra & Girod (2006/2007)

Mishra, P., & Girod, M. (2006/2007). Designing learning through learning to design. The High School Journal. 90(1). 44 – 51. Reprinted in K. M. Cauley, & G. Pannozzo, (Eds.), Annual Edition: Educational Psychology 07/08. McGraw-Hill: NY. Abstract: This paper...

The making of “Editing is Cool”

I had posted about this really cool video I recently found (see Life is about editing). Behold my surprise when one of the comments on the blog was from none other than Allee Willis (see her wikipedia page here, and personal website here). It was just great to hear...

1 Comment

  1. Mary Brown

    Great video!


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