Finding Nemo, the sea-quel

by | Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Our family’s stop-motion animation festival continues with our latest offering: Finding Nemo, the sea-quel!!  This movie was conceptualized by Shreya and filmed by all of us over a couple of days. What was interesting about this movie was just how many technologies got utilized in creating it (a complete list comes at the end of the movie) – and just how seamlessly these different tools could be integrated together. As we have been making these movies I have seen a greater level of sophistication and thinking from both my kids about the possibilities of stop-motion animation in particular and the visual aspects of telling a story through film. I can pretty much step back and let them do it. That has been fun to watch.

Anyway, before the movie, I need to give a shout out to our family friend, Amol Pavangadkar, who made all this possible by helping us create a really cool animation stand. We were inspired by this design and here it is, in use, by Shreya’s friends, as they made their animation movie.

Animation stand

So using this set up we have already created three movies. You can see the first one here, the new year’s card here and the third one below. Enjoy, Finding Nemo, the sea-quel!

Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Design | Fiction | Film | Fun | Personal | Photography | Video | Worth Reading

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1 Comment

  1. thomas

    Great work guys!! Nice blog folks! Happy new year !!!



  1. Goodbye 2016, Welcome 2017 – Punya Mishra's Web - […] Finding Nemo, the sea-quel: A stop motion sequel to Finding Nemo […]
  2. Happy 2013! | Punya Mishra's Web - [...] |Happy 2012 | Happy New Year | Happy 2010! Stop motion movie | Happy 2009, a stop motion movie…

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