ON@TCC: Do not toss aside lightly…

by | Tuesday, February 19, 2008

One Night at the Call Center is the second novel by Chetan Bhagat. I picked it up from the library, since I had read nice things about it on some website somewhere. What a tragic waste of time.

This is a terrible novel – maybe the worst I have read in a long, long time. Badly written, with a cast of characters who never really come to life ON@TCC has almost no redeeming feature whatsoever. The author puts his characters in the middle of situations that are far-fetched and silly. And then, he resolves all these issues with the oldest trick in the book, something I would not allow my 11 year old to get away with. This book does not even deserve a description or a review, and I will not make the mistake of writing one here. Dorothy Parker is supposed to have once said (about another book), “This is not a book to be tossed aside lightly, it should be thrown at great force.” One night at the call center is one of those books.

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