Picturing poetry

by | Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Nashworld pointed me towards PicLits a website that he describes as being “part visual literacy, part refrigerator poetry, part… fun.” Check out his posting or visit PicLits.

Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Design | Fun | Learning | Poetry | Representation | Teaching | Technology

A few randomly selected blog posts…

New triplet Ambigram (Now in 3D)!

A few weeks ago I had shared a few triplet-ambigrams I had designed. For the uninitiated a triplet ambigram is a 3-d shape that cast different, and interesting, shadows depending on where you shine light on it. For instance here's a triplet ambigram that casts three...

Seeing patterns with eyes closed

Oliver Sacks has a fascinating piece in today's NYTimes (titled Patterns, as a part of his NYTimes blog, Migranes, perspective on a headache). Oliver Sacks describes the visual auras he has suffered through his life as follows: tiny branching lines, like twigs, or...

Design, Intuition & Creativity

Design, Intuition & Creativity

Chain-Rotational ambigram design for the word "design."One can read the word both clockwise from the top or anti-clockwise, from the bottom. Our latest article in the series we write for the journal TechTrends (under the broad rubric of Rethinking Technology...

Creativity, AI & Education: A Reflection & an Example

Creativity, AI & Education: A Reflection & an Example

Update (added March 17, 2024): There are a few more instances of using GenAI in creative ways that I would like to add to the list below, in particular 2 posts about using the the image analysis capabilities for ChatGPT: When AI can see and Total eclipse of the sun...

TPACK Newsletter #41, May 2019

TPACK Newsletter #41, May 2019

Here is the latest pdf version of the TPACK Newsletter (#41, May 2019), as curated and shared by Judi Harris and her team. (Previous issues are archived here.) This issue includes 59 articles, 4 book chapters, and 20 dissertations that have not appeared...

Creativity, 21st Century Learning & Self-Regulation

Our latest article on the series Technology and Creativity is now available (link and the complete reference given below). Co-authored with Chris Fahnoe, Dr. Danah Henriksen, and the Deep-Play Research group, this paper builds on Chris' practicum research study and...

Beware of science envy in designing learning

Beware of science envy in designing learning

Mike Crowley has a guest post on the silverlingingforlearning.org site titled: If we need to be right before we move. (If you haven’t read it, I recommend it strongly. Go ahead follow the link above. I’ll be waiting). [Pause] Welcome back. I think Mike makes some...

Profesor 2.0, blurring the boundaries

I am in Chicago to give the Keynote address at the 2009 DePaul University Faculty Teaching and Learning Conference. The conference theme this year is Engaging Minds: Pedagogy and Personalism. I was invited by Sharon Guan (she was part of the AACTE Innovation &...

1 Comment

  1. Terry Friedlander

    Thanks for the listing and kudos regarding our web stie ( Piclits.com)

    2009 will be exciting as we plan to introduce some new features.


    Terry Friedlander, founder


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