Picturing poetry

by | Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Nashworld pointed me towards PicLits a website that he describes as being “part visual literacy, part refrigerator poetry, part… fun.” Check out his posting or visit PicLits.

Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Design | Fun | Learning | Poetry | Representation | Teaching | Technology

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Math Concepts by Gaurav Bhatnagar

Gaurav Bhatnagar is one of my oldest friends - going back to 8th grade in Modern School, Barakhamba Road. He recently published his first book on Mathematics for kids, titled, Get Smart: Maths Concepts, published by Penguin India. The book also has an associated blog...

Who said this?

A quote in today's oped in the NYTimes, about how this current financial crisis is difficult to understand since many of the decisions were taken by computer programs. The author quotes someone as follows: the human race might easily permit itself to drift into a...

Interesting TPACK related discussion

Russ Goerend over at Learning is Life has initiated a fascinating discussion on the TPACK framework on his blog. It all revolves around a blog post he titled The force is strong with the shiny one. I shall not seek to summarize the discussion here (please go read it...

Happy Diwali

Diwali is one of the most important of Indian/Hindu festivals. The best part of Diwali (at least for the children) are the fireworks. Click here to enjoy a pollution-free Diwali Card. Enjoy (and don't forget to click on the night sky!)

New presentation tool

Todd Edwards at Miami University just told me about this new presentation tool called Prezi.... You have to see it to believe it. Just amazing. Check it out at http://prezi.com/

Is your head in the McClouds!

Scott McCloud is a pioneer in his field - the field of comics. (I had previously posted about him here). I just discovered (via Presentation Zen & Matt Koehler) a TED talk he had given back in 2005. It is a wonderful introduction to McCloud the man and his ideas....

AI’nt Fair: Why AI May Make Learning Gaps Wider

AI’nt Fair: Why AI May Make Learning Gaps Wider

What is the relationship between AI and human creativity? Will AI supercharge human innovation, amplifying our ability to discover and invent? Or will it replace human ingenuity altogether? Or are we entering a hybrid future where humans and AI combine in unexpected...

EPET at SITE 2015

The annual SITE conference is an fixture in my life in the spring semester. This year is no exception. What is interesting is the manner in which the EPET program at MSU has been increasing its presence at the conference. Above is a screen-shot of my calendar of from...

The blame (& praise) game continues

I have shared earlier a design for a reflection ambigram for the two words "praise" and "blame" - where one word becomes another when reflected in a mirror. In fact the design has been printed in 3D. As it turns out this was a design that I had made many years ago -...

1 Comment

  1. Terry Friedlander

    Thanks for the listing and kudos regarding our web stie ( Piclits.com)

    2009 will be exciting as we plan to introduce some new features.


    Terry Friedlander, founder


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