New ambigram: Motivation

by | Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Just as the subject line says, new ambigram design this time for the word “motivation”

Topics related to this post: Ambigrams | Art | Creativity | Design | Fun | Learning | Personal | Puzzles | Representation | Worth Reading

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Distributed creativity

Re-Public: re•imagining democracy, an online journal focusing on innovative developments in contemporary political theory and practice, has a special issue devoted to Distributed Creativity and Design. This may be a useful resource for my Learning technology by design...

Stop motion fun

My daughter, Shreya, had some friends over yesterday and they created a short stop-motion animation film with the new setup in our basement. Enjoy [youtube][/youtube] More videos made with my kids can be seen by clicking...

Synthesis: A creative cognitive tool (2 articles)

Over the past couple of years my research team (the Deep-Play Research group) and I have been writing an on-going series of articles  about rethinking technology and creativity for the 21st century. Published in the journal TechTrends, these articles have been great...

The medium is the massage

Nicholas Carr has an interesting post (titled Rewiring the mind) on the findings of a recent study into the information seeking behaviors of scholars. (The full study in pdf format can be downloaded here.) Carr seems to suggest that these results indicate a...

Rethinking Little Red Riding Hood

Awesome retelling of the old tale... (h/t Steve Dembo @ teach42). Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny from Tomas Nilsson on Vimeo. As Steve says (you can read his full post here) such remixing can provide interesting opportunities for teachers, particularly given...

David Zola, Educator Extraordinaire

David Zola, Educator Extraordinaire

A teacher affects eternity—Henry Adams I remember the first time I saw David Zola teach. He was on stage in front of 200+ undergraduate students with a plastic cup of wine in his hand. The wine had been poured for him by a teaching assistant from a bottle hidden in a...

White paper on TPACK

The Commonwealth Educational Media Center for Asia (CEMCA) recently published a report on ICT Integrated Teacher Education Models. One of the pieces in the report was by us. Here it is below: Koehler, M.J., Mishra, P., Akcoaglu, M. Rosenberg, J.M. (2013)....

TPACK Newsletters (#28, #29 & 30)

TPACK Newsletters (#28, #29 & 30)

In the rush of summer and the move to Arizona I missed posting #28 and #29 of the TPACK newsletter, and before I knew it, #30  was here as well. Well here are links to the PDFs of all three newsletters Newsletter 28: May 2016 (pdf)Newsletter 29: July 2016...


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