Fact / Fiction, ambigram

by | Friday, May 29, 2009

Yesterday after I had posted my two latest ambigrams (see them here) I got a message on Facebook from my cousin Sonny (the one who composed the cool music for my Explore, Create videos) saying

Big deal. I can make “fact” and “fiction” blur together till they are indistinguishable. Using only my brain! And not much effort, either.

Not to be outdone by a good put-down… I created an ambigram that really makes “fact” and “fiction” blur together… Check it out

So does this read “Fact” or “Fiction”? Or is it neither, and actually reads “Faction?” Hmm…

A few randomly selected blog posts…

21st Century Skills? What do they mean?

A decade into the 21st century, how are we doing with the movement to "position 21st century skills at the center of US K-12 education." The National Journal Online has been conducting an discussion on this topic... some very interesting views represented there, from...

Contruction (sic)

Check out this page of examples of bad design. Some of these look too crazy to be true - but who knows... stranger things have happened. Interestingly enough the title of the page is "Award winning contructions!" I wonder if that is deliberate. Site worth sharing with...

Walking in a straight line

Determining the shape of the earth is something I have written about previously. For instance, see this post on seeing the shape of the earth using eclipses. (A somewhat similar effect could be seen in my photo of the moon during a lunar eclipse). On the web, I found...

Robert Pirsig, 1928 – 2017

Robert Pirsig, 1928 – 2017

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was one of those books that have influenced me deeply. I read it when I was in high school and read it again and again, almost obsessively for a while. It was my companion through college, graduate school and beyond. I...

New ambigrams for AERA

I was invited to give two talks at the the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in San Francisco. One was a Ignite presentation (5 minutes, 20 slides set to move at 15 seconds per slide), and the other was an ED Talk (sort of like a TED talk...

Qualitative research in an age of AI

Qualitative research in an age of AI

Qualitative data can be extremely rich, complex and insightful, allowing us to uncover the complexities of human experiences, perceptions, and interactions. It can also be complicated and messy. And the way we make sense of it is through the one-two punch of thematic...

Brevity is the soul

I had posted earlier (see Twittering a tale) about short, short fiction that is suddenly the rage. Matt Koehler just introduced me to another example of this new emerging genre: Six Word Memoirs. Check it out.

Charleston, SC for SITE 09

I am off to Charleston, SC for the SITE 2009 conference. . I can't believe it has been a year since Matt Koehler and I presented our Keynote. I am sending this note sitting in the Michigan Flyer bus (making good use of their free wi-fi) and am looking forward to a...


  1. Gaurav Bhatnagar

    Very nice one. Its somehow very different and original too. Given the fake controversy, I suggest that it actually reads Friction.

    BTW, while searching for whether what you have made is an ambigram or not, I found a ref to you on wikipedia.

  2. Punya Mishra

    I know, but it seemed cooler to create a fake controversy … 🙂

  3. Sonny

    Just saw this again: I did not consider my self deprecating humor a ‘putdown’ of your skills. Quite the contrary, actually. Just for the record;)


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