Trans-disciplinary creativity takes root (slowly)

by | Thursday, May 30, 2013

I wanted to bring attention to two articles that came across my desk today. The first was in the Chronicle of Higher Education titled Creativity: a Cure for the Common Curriculum on efforts at range of universities seeking “to train students in how innovative thinkers …[and] use the tools of creativity to solve problems.”

The second article in yesterday’s Washington Post was titled Engineering students learn how to swing dance during class to help with problem-solving skills.

I have been thinking and writing about this for a while now – and it is good to see some of these initiatives taking root. These are difficult issues to deal with mainly because the return on investment, as it were, for teaching creativity is hard to measure. But that just makes the task all the more interesting.


A few randomly selected blog posts…

TPACK Handbook, 3rd Edition: Call for proposals

TPACK Handbook, 3rd Edition: Call for proposals

I have been an academic for almost a quarter of a century (longer, if you include my years in graduate school), and it is a bit humbling that the work for which I (and my partner in crime, Matt Koehler) are best known for is the creation of a Venn diagram—which, when...

The futility of existence

I stumbled across this little machine that shuts itself off once it has been switched on! How cool is that. I don't have an clue whom to credit it to and would appreciate a heads up on that. I was reminded of the myth of Sisyphus which led to a great piece of...

3 super-short stories

3 super-short stories

Students in my EDT180 class spent some time yesterday writing short stories. Super short stories, trying to tell a complete story in just 55 words! As it turns this (55 Fiction) is actually a thing – as a simple google search will reveal. Seeing my students engage in...

Infusing creativity & technology in education

Infusing creativity & technology in education

Danah Henriksen, Petra Fisser and I have a new article (complete reference and link below). This article emerged from a Thematic Working group on Creativity in a technology enhanced curriculum that the three of us led at EduSummIT 2015 (see more here). This...

The blame (& praise) game continues

I have shared earlier a design for a reflection ambigram for the two words "praise" and "blame" - where one word becomes another when reflected in a mirror. In fact the design has been printed in 3D. As it turns out this was a design that I had made many years ago -...

Thank you, Chile!

Rotate I spent the past seven days in Chile, six days in Santiago and one in Valpariso. It was absolutely wonderful. My trip was sponsored by the Faculty of Education at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (PUC is one of the nation's premier universities), as...

OECD Global Forum on the Future of Education: Bucharest, Romania

OECD Global Forum on the Future of Education: Bucharest, Romania

I have been in Bucharest for the past few days participating in the OECD Global Forum on the Future of Education. It has been great fun, meeting lots of new people, developing frameworks around AI and education and more. A few resources and photographs from the...

Palindromic Poetry

A few years ago I got bitten by the bug of Palindromic Poetry - poems that double back on themselves, that can be read this way, or that. This is consistent with my love for ambigrams and other kinds of symmetrical wordplay. Take a look...

Creativity at Wake Forest

I presented yesterday at a conference a Wake Forest University titled: Creativity: Worlds in the Making. I was part of a panel that included Robert and Michele Root-Bernstein and Todd Siler. More details about the panel and links to my presentation can be found below....


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