Jeff Keltner from Google Education to talk today

by | Thursday, November 06, 2008

There has been a great deal of interest in the educational use of cloud computing tools such as Google Docs in the College (and at MSU at large). Though these tools are often free and easy to use, they come with concerns about intellectual property and ownership of content.

As a part of informing the College of Education faculty and students about these tools the College Faculty Advisory Committee has organized a presentation by Jeff Keltner from Google. Jeff heads the Google Applications for Education initiative globally and is a specialist for Google’s collaboration products. He often presents about the Google vision for search and collaboration tools.

He will make a brief presentation and take questions from the audience.

This is a great opportunity to learn more about these new technologies, the broader dimensions of Google’s interest in education – their educational potential as well as to receive the organizational perspective around issues of intellectual property, security, and ownership.

Thursday, November 6, 2008
252 Erickson Hall
2:30 -3:30 pm

We hope to see you there.

Info about Jeff Keltner:

If you Google “Jeff Keltner” and “bio” the first hit is a story on Jeff’s “App to School” journey on a bio-fueled bus to visit a few of
the thousands of campuses using Google Apps. For the entire month of September, the bio-diesel fueled bus visited campuses to give students, professors and faculty a chance to play with their latest technology, talk with Google product experts and share how they’re using Google Apps.

If you look at his Linked In profile you will see he has a BS in Computer Systems Engineering from Stanford University and that he leads Google’s efforts to drive adoption of Google Apps into the education sector worldwide. We are very appreciative that Jeff took time out of his schedule before heading to Google headquarters in Ann Arbor to talk to us about cloud-computing, Google Apps and more.

Video of Jeff Keltner talking about Google apps in education.

Google bus is visiting campuses and talking to faculty and students…

Topics related to this post: News | Online Learning | Teaching | Technology

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  1. Anonymous

    I am a teacher in reputed university.This is your nice post.Goggle Docs is a good tool.I am in favor of new technology.


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