Creativity is greatly valued: A poem

by | Sunday, May 12, 2019

Creativity is greatly valued

Creativity is greatly valued
For his sharpness

His ability to look beyond
The surface  

And willingness to
Give it a shot

To break
Out of the box
The cubicle  

And jump
When the towers burnt  

Who knew
Box cutters
Had such power.  

5/12/19 (Revised 5/13/19)
(Inspired partly by conversations with Danah Henriksen around a paper we are writing on the dark side of creativity and
this image. I should add this image may be painful viewing to some so please click with caution.)

Topics related to this post: Aesthetics | Art | Creativity | Personal | Poetry | Worth Reading

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1 Comment

  1. Ellie

    Beautiful words.


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