Drawing hands

by | Thursday, September 25, 2008

Image says it all…

drawing hands

Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Fun | Personal | Puzzles | Representation

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Hype, Luck, and Numbers: More Gratuitous Self-Promotion

Hype, Luck, and Numbers: More Gratuitous Self-Promotion

[Because apparently one self-congratulatory post this year wasn't enough] A few months ago, I wrote about some academic recognition that came my way, noting how "time in the field" eventually leads to certain accolades. Well, 2024 continues to bring two more pieces of...

Technology Integration 2.0 — was TPACK 😉

The recently concluded NECC conference had quite a bit of TPACK related presentations. Sadly neither Matt nor I could make it to NECC... maybe next year! One I discovered just today (h/t @mhines on twitter) was one titled School 2.0 & Understanding by Design....

Textbooks meet Bittorrent!

NYTimes article on how publishers are responding to the advent of peer-to-peer sharing of textbook files. Check out First It Was Song Downloads. Now It’s Organic Chemistry.

Bridging the theory/practice gap: A visual exploration

Bridging the theory/practice gap: A visual exploration

Theoretically there should a reciprocal relationship between Theory and Practice - but it is the gap that every academic bemoans. This posting is prompted not by any particular insight into these matters but rather to share a set of visuals (ambigrams, memes,...

A defining moment?

Is this a defining moment of our time? One can just hope... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqoFwZUp5vc

How does my browser know I am Indian?

Over the past few weeks I have noticed that some webpages I visit have banner ads that are targeted to me quite specifically - in particular to my Indian origin. For instance this page (a story about ipods being used by the army) contains a set of banner ads that seek...

Education in a pandemic: A crisis & opportunity

Education in a pandemic: A crisis & opportunity

Last year I was in Israel to present at the Meital Conference. When I was there I was interviewed by Lior Detal, the education correspondent for TheMarker - which led to an article in the magazine. Earlier this year, once the COVID crisis was in full swing, I was...

When does the brain make up YOUR mind?

When does the brain make up YOUR mind? Does this question make any sense? Anyway, this was prompted by an article that showed that "Researchers using brain scanners could predict people's decisions seven seconds before the test subjects were even aware of making...

Learning Games & TPACK @ Drexel: Video now online

Back in January I was invited to speak at the Drexel Learning Games Network (DGLN) seminar series. As I had written in my original post (TPACK & Games @ Drexel), DLGN is the brainchild of  Aroutis Foster, former graduate student, now rising star academic and...


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