Creativity, Technology & Teacher Education, Call for papers

by | Friday, November 01, 2013

We (Punya Mishra and Danah Henriksen, faculty at Michigan State University) are currently planning a special issue for the Journal of Teacher Education and Technology, on the topic of creativity. At the moment, we are looking for brief abstract submissions from educational scholars/authors, who may be interested in eventually submitting a full length piece on creativity (in the context of technology and teacher education). See below for a formal call for papers (with the brief abstract due at the beginning of December).

Drop us a line if you want to know more or forward this link to anybody who you think may be interested. Your help would be greatly appreciated.


~ Punya Mishra and Danah Henriksen (editors)

CALL FOR PAPERS: Special issue on Creativity, Technology & Teacher Education

A few randomly selected blog posts…

The future of work & learning: An interview

The future of work & learning: An interview

I had posted earlier about my visit to Bangalore back in summer to participate in the Quest 2 Learn Annual Summit organized by the Quest Alliance. The two day conference focused on The future of work and learning. During my visit I was interviewed by Aakash Sethi, the...

Cleaning and coding Interviews with AI

Cleaning and coding Interviews with AI

I have previously written about how AI can possibly help with qualitative research AND how how AI has given me a superpower which is the ability to write computer programs. Well this post is an extension of both of these topics. To provide some context, for the past...

TPACK in a podcast

Just discovered a podcast on TPACK (titled Understanding TPCK) at the msad75mltinews website. It appears to be based on the article (Too cool for school) that was recently published in Learning & Leading with Technology.

Goldbach is back! New math poem

I guess once the bug bites, it never really lets go. So here's another poem (to follow this and this and this). As it turns out this is my second poem on the Goldbach Conjecture. I realized after I had written the first one that I had actually messed up the history a...

London Underground Map

One of my favorite pieces of design is the London Underground Map. It has been replicated all over the world - from Mumbai to Tokyo. Leigh Wolf just sent me a link to a BBC 4 video made in 1987 about this map. Check it out here Here is a link to the Wikipedia page...

TPACK in the SAGE Encyclopedia of Ed Tech

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Technology, edited by Dr. Michael Spector just got published. We have one article in it on (no surprise there) TPACK! Koehler, M., & Mishra, P. (2015). TPACK (technological pedagogical content knowledge). In J. Spector (Ed.),...

Principled Innovation meets Design: The video

Principled Innovation meets Design: The video

Quick summary: In which I disparage the buzzword "design thinking" even while praising the idea of design; point to the value-neutral nature of design and the need for a more principled approach, and end with a video that seeks to capture a vision of principled...

Design for age, design for all

The NYTimes has a story (For the Advanced in Age, Easy-to-Use Technology) about companies that are creating tools that are "helping those in their 60s maintain their youthful self-images." What is interesting is that these technologies are typically not directly aimed...

Creativity in Teaching & Learning @ Mizzou

Creativity in Teaching & Learning @ Mizzou

I was recently invited to conduct a workshop for the Celebration of Teaching Conference at the University of Missouri around Creativity in Teaching and Learning. This was my first time at Columbia, MO and the conference organizers were wonderful. I did two versions of...


  1. Prof, SUTRISNO, Ph.D

    need more info. in integrated learning with ICT (TPACK) in chemistry education. I am a Professor in Chemistry Education The University of Jambi, Indonesia.


  2. Prof, SUTRISNO, Ph.D

    I would be interested in receiving information with respect to integrated learning with ICT (TPACK) in chemistry education. I am a Professor in Chemistry Education The University of Jambi, Indonesia.

    • Punya Mishra

      Dear Dr. Sutrisno, the best place to find this would be to go to and look through the bibliography on Mendelay maintained by Matt Koehler and his team. thanks ~ punya

  3. Aseel Shawareb

    I’m interested in this issue especially for early childhood teachers.
    need more details

  4. Joaquin Paredes

    I am interested in contributing to the journal. Please email details. Thank you.

  5. hueyzher

    Hi I am interested in contributing to the journal. Please email details. thank you.

  6. Rachel Jones

    Please can you send me some details, thank you : )

  7. Rachel Jones

    Hi- please can you send me some details as I am interested. Thank you : )

  8. Carl Hendrick

    Hi, I am a teacher at Wellington College in the UK, and I am also doing a PhD in education at King’s College. I would be interested in getting something published, could you please send more details?


    Carl Hendrick

  9. aniza yusup

    i want to kmow more..please email me the details..thanks.

  10. Sarah Nelson

    I’d be interested in receiving more information. I am a student in the MAET program at MSU.



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