Website problems

by | Friday, July 19, 2013

hardhat image removed

My website has been facing all kinds of problems over the past few weeks. We have been working on figuring out what went wrong and trying to ensure that it doesn’t recur – but it has taken a while and it’s not clear to us whether we have it all figured out. So the site is up now (with a default template), but in essence I am not sure if it will crash again. So apologies to all who have tried to access the site and here’s to hoping that we have it all figured out.

P.S. (added March 3, 2014): I received a note today letting me know that I had been using an image on this page without giving proper acknowledgment. I truly do know better. So my sincere apologies to for not giving them due credit, and I have removed the image from the page.  

Topics related to this post: Blogging | Design | Good | Bad Design | Technology

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