You’re invited! MAET Showcase July 26th 10am, Room 252 Erickson

by | Friday, July 19, 2013

invitedDear MAET graduates, current students, and other friends of the program:

You are cordially invited to our current MAET Summer 2013 students’ final project showcase, on July 26th, at 10am, in room 252 Erickson Hall. As you may know from your own past experiences with the summer program, our students spend several intensive weeks of work, study, and play during the summer — where they are involved with a range of creative educational technology projects. These projects involved technology and new media of all kinds, and showcase the innovation, research, and technology leadership that we take pride in amongst our graduates.

As a proud MAET graduate, current student or friend of the program, you are invited both to the technology showcase session that morning, as well as the potluck lunch that follows at 11:30. It would be wonderful to share with you some of the current work in our program, and to hear more about your own continued successes as a technology teacher/leader/innovator.

Please complete this short Web-form to let us know if you will be able to make it to the 2013 project showcase:

We hope to see you there!

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