TPACK handbook review

by | Thursday, April 10, 2008

Matt Koehler just pointed out a hilarious review of the TPACK handbook on It is short, pithy and completely unconnected to the book. The review, apparently written by Richard Delgado at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, in its entirety is:

…a wonderful, rich book with a bold, audacious premise, clear writing, and a reader-friendly structure and plot line.

There are many descriptions of the handbook I can imagine, but having an “audacious premise” and a “reader-friendly… plot line” are not two that come to mind. I wonder which book was being reviewed here!

A quick Google search reveals Richard Delgado as being a real person and an internationally renowned scholar and commentator on civil rights and critical race theory. I do not really see the handbook as being something he would be reviewing. You can see his university web page here.

Topics related to this post: Books | Fun | TPACK

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