Christine Greenhow visit + new ambigram

by | Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christine Greenhow from the University of Maryland visited the College of Education this past week. She gave a talk and met with various faculty members and graduate students. I had met Christine a couple of years ago when we had both been invited to the National Technology Leadership Summit and had kept in touch off and on (more off than on) on Facebook.

It was great to host her visit and I am including below

This talk was also streamed live and was recorded as well  – though I don’t have the link to the archived talk. I will post it here when I get it.

I also had fun creating an ambigram of her name, which I didn’t get a chance to share with her. So here it is.

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  1. Profile UII

    ambigram, so nice 🙂

  2. HTC

    Sweet ambigram. Too bad she didn’t get the change to see it.

  3. Jen

    Very cool, would like to see an ambigram of your name 🙂


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