TPACK & Art Education

by | Friday, November 05, 2010

Camille Dempsey, a professional development consultant in instructional technology, education, arts and leadership as well as a doctoral candidate in in the Leadership and Instructional Technology Program at Duquesne University has been ” investigating TPACK in conjunction with IT & visual art” and shared a recent presentation she and her colleague made at the Pennsylvania Art Education Association Conference.

Dempsey, J. C. & Linaberger, M. (2010, October). Art in the digital garden: Cultivating best practices in technology integration and art. Pennsylvania Art Education Association Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The slides are available at

(Note, you may have to scroll down a bit to see the slides).

Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Learning | Publications | Research | Teaching | Technology | TPACK

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  1. Cheryl Schaefer

    This was a very timely post. I have recently been discussing technology integration with the art teacher at my school. She would like to incorporate more tech but is at a loss as to how to go about it. The slide presentation will be very helpful in generating ideas. I will also be encouraging her to subscribe to Camille’s wiki. PS: Our conversations have also been a good opportunity to talk about TPACK.



  1. Andhika – Ussy Saling Mengunjungi di Sela-Sela Syuting « Gosip Terbaru - [...] TPACK & Art Education | Punya Mishra's Web [...]
  2. Pennsylvania Art Education Association Conference 2010 | Adventures in the Digital Garden - [...] [...]

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