SITE 2008, Google & Creativity

by | Tuesday, March 11, 2008

At SITE 2008 Mike DeSchryver and I presented a paper titled Pre-Service teachers and the web: Does access to the Web enhance creative thinking about teaching.

Abstract: This study examined teacher creativity and its relationship with emerging technologies. Eight pre-service mathematics teachers of high and low creative skill were asked to generate creative ways of introducing specific topics to students. Each participant performed two tasks, one with a Web search tool, and one with related books. Sessions were observed, and post-task interviews conducted. In addition, browser log files were analyzed, and experts rated the ideas generated. Evaluation of this data provided that participants believed that the Web was an integral tool in the creative process, but did not demonstrate search techniques that reflected this, did not typically generate their ideas from the information resources provided, and did not achieve higher creativity scores when using the Web.

You can find a PDF of the paper here or alternatively view the presentation. (Flash required)

Topics related to this post: Conference | Creativity | Publications | Technology

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  1. books online - books online... What can I say, it's new for me, but very interesting....

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