Dreams of our futures

by | Friday, August 29, 2008

I started this blog on the 1st of January 2008. Barely 4 days later I a posted a video and asked the question, Is this a defining moment of our time? See it here

Almost exactly six months later my question was partially answered, and I blogged about it here.

Today, three months later, on the anniversary of MLK’s “I have a dream speech” I can say that we are one step closer to the goal. Two videos to commemorate that great speech made 45 years ago, and another made today. The latter would not have been possible without the former.



My son asked me today, peering into my eyes, if I was crying while talking about Obama’s speech. I told him that yes I was… out of the sheer emotional power of the moment.

But the battle is far from over and there is still a lot to be done… but, tonight, I have hope.

Topics related to this post: Personal | Politics | Video

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