Amruta Patil’s Family Album

by | Monday, February 25, 2008

A few weeks ago I had featured Nina Paley, animator and story teller. I just discovered another amazing talent: graphic artist Amruta Patil. I got know Amruta through the desi blog ultrabrown which recently featured an interview (Amruta Patil and Kari: A short Q&A) with her.

Coffee & Cigarettes

Amruta is brilliant. She just came out with a graphic novel, Kari. Just based on some snippets I have seen (her website has some screen shots) I can’t wait to get my hands on it. For those looking for more immediate gratification, check out The Family Album a 24 page comic book created in 24 hours!! That is just crazy.

Amruta maintains a blog called Umbilical and her main website is here.

Topics related to this post: Creativity | Design | Fun | India

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1 Comment

  1. Matthew C. Kriner

    Thank you for this info. Great stuff


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