A published poet! Yes!

by | Sunday, April 21, 2013

I am now, officially, a published poet!

imaginary-i           atrightangles-cover

My poem on imaginary numbers (The Mathematical “i”) was published in the March 2013 issue of At Right Angles, a school mathematics journal.  You can read my poem on my website here: The Mathematical “i”

You can download the entire issue here (it is a large download) or view the magazine in sections here.

Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Fun | India | Mathematics | Personal | Poetry | Publications | Worth Reading | Writing

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  1. Kim

    I love your poem Mathematical i. I’d like to use it in a class assignment for my graduate class at McDaniel College in Maryland. The course is Reading in the Content Area II and we need to develop a Reading-to-Write Assignment for our content area.

    • Punya Mishra

      Kim, Please feel free to use the poem in your class. That would be awesome! The only thing is that I would prefer you use this page http://punyamishra.com/2010/01/12/the-mathematical-i/ rather than the magazine layout. I didn’t like the fact that they center-aligned the entire poem. That was not my vision of what the poem should look like. If you want I can send you the poem as a separate pdf. Thanks again ~ punya


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