Fact / Fiction, ambigram

by | Friday, May 29, 2009

Yesterday after I had posted my two latest ambigrams (see them here) I got a message on Facebook from my cousin Sonny (the one who composed the cool music for my Explore, Create videos) saying

Big deal. I can make “fact” and “fiction” blur together till they are indistinguishable. Using only my brain! And not much effort, either.

Not to be outdone by a good put-down… I created an ambigram that really makes “fact” and “fiction” blur together… Check it out

So does this read “Fact” or “Fiction”? Or is it neither, and actually reads “Faction?” Hmm…

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Political poetry

What do Donald Rumsfeld and Sarah Palin have in common? Turns out that they both deliver speeches that can, at be, without much effort, converted into poetry. Check out this and this. Some of them are quite briliant.

Contemplating Design: Remixing the 5 spaces framework

Contemplating Design: Remixing the 5 spaces framework

The Five Spaces for Design in Education framework argues that design in education happens in 5 interrelated spaces: artifacts, processes, experiences, systems and culture. We have typically represented this as follows. We, however, are also very aware that any...

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

One updated ambigram (for Thanksgiving) and one new design for the word "Gratitude."   Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Creativity in the lives of accomplished teachers

How do exemplary teachers incorporate creativity in their teaching? In this dissertation study, Danah Henriksen  interviewed National Teacher of the Year award winners (and finalists), to better understand their beliefs, interests, and practices involving creative...

A defining moment?

Is this a defining moment of our time? One can just hope... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqoFwZUp5vc

Good Evil Ambigram

Brad Honeycutt, a fellow Spartan (he graduated 1996 a couple of years before I started here at Michigan State) is fascinated by optical illusions. He has completed a couple of books on optical illusions the first of which will be coming out in July. Scott Kim, one of...

Reimagining a College of Education at AACTE 2018

Reimagining a College of Education at AACTE 2018

I was recently in Baltimore for the 70th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE), with a team from the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. We presented the work we are currently engaged in under the broad title...

Of games, mood and age

I love reading. I love watching movies. I love over-analyzing books and movies, seeking to find pattern and structure, motifs and motives. I love to break them down in my mind and put them back together again. I read reviews of books and movies by the ton, sometimes...

Rethinking homework, some thoughts…

Shelly Blake-Plock over at TeachPaperLess has a great post about homework and how it can be structured to act as a "cliffhanger." As he says: These days, the homework I give isn't based on some arbitrary idea of how much work a kid should do 'at home' to reinforce...


  1. Gaurav Bhatnagar

    Very nice one. Its somehow very different and original too. Given the fake controversy, I suggest that it actually reads Friction.

    BTW, while searching for whether what you have made is an ambigram or not, I found a ref to you on wikipedia.

  2. Punya Mishra

    I know, but it seemed cooler to create a fake controversy … 🙂

  3. Sonny

    Just saw this again: I did not consider my self deprecating humor a ‘putdown’ of your skills. Quite the contrary, actually. Just for the record;)


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