Barriers to Innovation & Inclusion

by | Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Leigh Wolf just sent me this video created by the Johnson Space Center on Barriers to Innovation & Inclusion. A Google search led to this description:

Last summer, Johnson Space Center senior management coordinated a center-wide, cross-generational effort to explore well thought out and researched recommendations on improvements that can be implemented to make the center more open minded, collaborative, inclusive and innovative…. This video, which was created by the Barrier Analysis team and posted by Wayne Hale, is the first artifact to make its way into public domain. It highlights many of the barriers an employee with an idea encounters within the organization, including management styles, institutional inertia, organizational silos, and complexity of processes. The Barrier Analysis team did an excellent job identifying the barriers and developing implementable solutions to overcome those barriers [Text from].

Watch the video:

[youtube width=”425″ height=”355″][/youtube]

How often have we seen similar things happen in institutions we work in?

Topics related to this post: Creativity | Design | Economics | Engineering | Politics | Technology | Video | Worth Reading

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  1. Stephanie

    Thank you!



  1. Barriers to innovation in organisations: teleological processes, organisational structures and stepwise refinement « The Weblog of (a) David Jones - [...] came across the following video from a post by Punya Mishra. Some more on this after the [...]

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