Drawing hands

by | Thursday, September 25, 2008

Image says it all…

drawing hands

Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Fun | Personal | Puzzles | Representation

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Complicating the idea of Design Thinking (in Education)

Complicating the idea of Design Thinking (in Education)

“Design thinking” is one of the latest buzzwords in education. Proponents argue that design thinking is a tried and tested process for fostering innovation in education while critics suggest that it is the latest fad to sweep through, and will, like others before it,...

Thanks Wipro & Microsoft

#MSUrbanSTEM Thanks Wipro! #MSUrbanSTEM Thanks Microsoft Over this past summer I have had one of the best teaching/learning experiences of my career. Through a project funded by Wipro (and with support from Microsoft) we have the opportunity to work with 125 teachers...

Perspective Taking on creativity with Vlad Glaveanu

Perspective Taking on creativity with Vlad Glaveanu

Dr. Vlad Glaveanu, is Head of the Department of Psychology and Counseling at Webster University, Geneva; Associate Professor at Bergen University, and Director of the Webster Center for Creativity and Innovation. He co-edits the book series Palgrave Studies in...

Douglas Adams & Computational Thinking

Douglas Adams & Computational Thinking

Illustration by Punya Mishra.See sketch of Douglas Adams at the end of this post.  I have always been a huge fan of Douglas Adams, trying to sneak in his ideas into my academic writing whenever I can. I had written about my previous attempts in a blog post...

TPACK Ambigram

I have been wanting to create a TPACK ambigram for a while now... what would be better than combining my two greatest loves - technology integration in teaching WITH ambigrams! Finally after some subtle prodding by Matt Koehler I have finally done so. This is a...

Happy Valentine’s Day (new ambigram)

  A quick and dirty ambigram for Valentine's day, scribbled on the back of an envelope (literally), and photographed using my phone! Have a great day everybody 🙂

New presentation tool

Todd Edwards at Miami University just told me about this new presentation tool called Prezi.... You have to see it to believe it. Just amazing. Check it out at http://prezi.com/

A published poet! Yes!

I am now, officially, a published poet!             My poem on imaginary numbers (The Mathematical "i") was published in the March 2013 issue of At Right Angles, a school mathematics journal.  You can read my poem on my website here: The Mathematical "i" You can...

A decade of running, some thanks

Ten years ago I participated in my first formal race. It was the 2004 Capital City River Run and back then it was a 10 mile run. Today (September 20, 2014), I ran my 11th race, the 2014 Capital City River Run - now a half marathon. It has been a decade of running. In...


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