If there is an IQ test for everything, why not one for color. This is Howard Gardner multiple intelligences run rampant. Check out the Color IQ test. BTW, my score was 27 (where 0 is a perfect score and 99 is as bad as you can get!). Irrespective of what you think of the test, I must say the interface for collecting the information is quite cool, similar to some of the survey techniques I had discussed in the personal DNA test.
Happy New Year, from the College of Education, MSU
The college of Education at Michigan State University just came out with a video titled Year in Review. You can see the video below. I would like to point out that a couple of projects I am involved with made it into the video. They include the project with the Azim...
I can hardly believe it but I got a zero. I am female, 37 years old. Those colors really start to mess with your eyes after a few.
I am female, 30yrs old and my life is ruled by colour.
I scored 7.
I am very impressed with that, considering 0 is perfect, 99 high.
I’d like to know what Del scores…