New ambigrams for a new blog!

by | Sunday, November 01, 2009

What do you think this is?

Half of lake reflection ambigram
Take a guess…
Well, it is the top half of a lake-reflection ambigram. What this means is that if you reflect what you see along a horizontal line at the bottom of the image, the picture you will then get will spell a word. Can you figure out what it says?

While you think about that, let me tell you about this new group-blog set up by graduate students in our Educational Psychology and Educational Technology Program. The blog is called IdeaPlay and is available at So sitting here in India I had a few moments to sketch out some ambigrams for their blog. Here are two…

The first is a rotational ambigram that reads the word “Idea” if you go clockwise and the word “Play” if you go anti-clockwise.

Ideaplay rotational ambigram
And as for the lake reflection ambigram (half of which you saw up there)… well (no great surprise) it reads IdeaPlay as well, like so..

ideaplay lake-reflection ambigram
I hope you liked these new ambigrams, and I hope you will check out the the blog.

Topics related to this post: Ambigrams | Art | Blogging | Creativity | Design | Fun | Puzzles | Representation | Worth Reading

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  1. Entertainment News

    “New ambigrams for a new blog – what a captivating title! I’m intrigued by the idea of ambigrams and how they can add a unique visual dimension to a blog. Can’t wait to see what creative designs await in this fresh journey. Ready to be inspired!”

  2. jasmine

    good blog and cool logo!!
    I like it a lot punya..I am waiting for the next nice logo..

  3. Punya Mishra

    If you want to… I would be honored. A link back to my website would be appreciated 🙂

  4. Mete

    Hey Punya, Thanks for the post and can we use these in our logo? : )


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