What do you think this is?
Take a guess…
While you think about that, let me tell you about this new group-blog set up by graduate students in our Educational Psychology and Educational Technology Program. The blog is called IdeaPlay and is available at ideaplay.org. So sitting here in India I had a few moments to sketch out some ambigrams for their blog. Here are two…
The first is a rotational ambigram that reads the word “Idea” if you go clockwise and the word “Play” if you go anti-clockwise.
“New ambigrams for a new blog – what a captivating title! I’m intrigued by the idea of ambigrams and how they can add a unique visual dimension to a blog. Can’t wait to see what creative designs await in this fresh journey. Ready to be inspired!”
good blog and cool logo!!
I like it a lot punya..I am waiting for the next nice logo..
If you want to… I would be honored. A link back to my website would be appreciated 🙂
Hey Punya, Thanks for the post and can we use these in our logo? : )