Miami / Globe Video Update

by | Sunday, October 07, 2018

I had posted earlier about the work our design initiatives team is involved with at Miami Junior-Senior High School. Essentially the entire faculty and leadership at the school have taken on the challenge of re-imagining the 7/8 curriculum through an integrated historical lens. More details about this project can be found here: Rethinking 7/8 curriculum at Miami/Globe.

I recently received a video from Glen Lineberry, principal of the school, and the brains behind this project. This video was created by high-school students working under the guidance of Professor Christian Rozier an established documentary filmmaker and professor of Media Studies and Digital Storytelling at the University of Missouri. The film crew, self-dubbed Out of Focus, has been learning how to script, film and edit short films this is just one of many they have created. You can find other videos by going to the district website ( and through that navigating to the high school page).

It is truly exciting to see not just the way the project has grown and evolved but also to hear directly from teachers and students who have been part of it. We are grateful to be part of this wonderful team seeking to enhance the learning experience of their students.

Banner image design ©punyamishra | Photo credit: storyblocks images

Topics related to this post: ASU | Creativity | Design | Innovation | Leadership | Teaching | Worth Reading

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