A defining moment!

by | Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I started blogging at the beginning of this year – January 1, 2008

4 days later, when Obama won the Iowa caucuses, I a posted a video of his speech, and asked a simple question, “Is this a defining moment of our time?” See it here

Almost exactly six months later, on the 4th of June, sitting in my cousin’s home India, on a stolen internet connection, I read of Obama having won the Democratic nomination. I felt my my question had been partially answered, and I wrote about it here.

On August 29, on the anniversary of MLK’s “I have a dream speech,” and the day Obama accepted the nomination at the Democratic convention, I believed that we were one step closer to the goal.

Finally, 10 months to the day that I first made my first posting about this topic, I am proud to say that, Yes, this IS a defining moment of our time.

Topics related to this post: Blogging | Personal | Politics

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