Plagiarism, note to Root-Bernstein’s and Creativity Portal

by | Sunday, October 05, 2008

Here are some emails (for the record) that I have sent recently to the Root-Bernstein’s (the authors of Sparks of Genius) letting them know of how their intellectual property has been stolen by David Jiles, Ph.D. Details in my original posting: David Jiles, Ph.D., Creativity Expert, Plagiarist.

Also are copies of emails that went to websites that have posted these plagiarized works.

Note to Dr. Robert and Michelle Root-Bernstein

Dear Dr. Robert Root-Bernstein & Michelle Root-Bernstein —

I would like to draw your attention to some blatant plagiarism of your book Sparks of Genius.

I am teaching a course on creativity and am using your book as a textbook. My TA found some articles by someone called David Jiles, Ph.D. and realized that these articles were completely and totally copied from your book – chapter and verse. This is clearly the most blatant form of plagiarism I have ever seen.

I have posted about this, in detail, on my blog

I thought it is important that you know about this.

I think you have written a wonderful book and I am deeply disturbed that someone would “steal” from in such a brazen manner.

I am writing to the author (the only information I have about this person is an email address) and will let you know if I find out more.

~ punya

Punya Mishra

Note to Creativity Portal (similar versions were sent to Innovation Tools, Brain Bank, Young Bright Minds & Inventors Academy

Dear Chris, I would like to point you towards some serious plagiarism on your website. In particular I point to articles by David Jiles, Ph.D. Almost all his articles are directly copied from a book titled Sparks of Genius by Robert and Michelle Root-Bernstein.

You can read more about it by going to

David Jiles, Ph.D., Creativity Expert, Plagiarist!

An email that I sent to David Jiles Ph.D. is on the website as well.

I would like to hear from you about what you think is going on? Did you know about this? If not, it would be great if you could step up and remove his articles from the site AND put a note warning people of this.

As a content producer I am sure you care deeply about intellectual property.

I look forward to hearing from you.

~ punya mishra
Dr. Punya Mishra

This is the note that went to the publisher

I have good evidence to indicate that is in violation of copyright of the book Sparks of Genius by Robert & Michelle Root-Bernstein. Further details on my website at

I have informed the original authors of this.

Please let me know of any action that has been taken regarding this.

~ punya
Dr. Punya Mishra

Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Crime | Good | Bad Design | Personal | Plagiarism

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