Photography update

by | Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I have continued adding photographs from the trip to my Flickr Site… I had posted about this earlier but I guess it is time for another reminder. There are now 380 photographs on the “Travels in Asia 2008” Flickr-set (and more coming soon).

Go to the photographs

Topics related to this post: Fun | India | Personal | Photography | Travel

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Keynote Presentation: AI in Education Summit

Keynote Presentation: AI in Education Summit

Note: The image above is the result of a two-stage creative process—done in collaboration with AI. Dall-E was tasked, over multiple iterations, to craft a woodcut-style image, to abstractly capture the idea of AI and education, with dark and light motifs, aiming to...

Hidden Figures

Hidden Figures

In honor of the movie "Hidden Figures" here is a new figure-ground ambigram. Enjoy.

Visual wit

I just stumbled upon this website of witty and original t-shirt designs. Two of my favorites are "Experimental music" (included below) and "Puzzled Putter." You can see all the designs here.

The Theater of Creativity

The Theater of Creativity

Dr. Tatiana Chemi is assistant professor and researcher at Aalborg University, Denmark. She has a background in theater that gives her an unique perspective on creativity, the creative processes and the contexts that allow creativity to flower. In her research she...

A long view of knowledge

I should really visit more often. Every time I go there I find something interesting, challenging and thought provoking. My recent foray there led me to a book review written by Laura Miller (The road to Wikipedia). Miller reviews "Reinventing Knowledge:...

It’s only a game…

... but what if real people die? Excellent article by William Saletan on Slate about a new breed of war-toys that blur the line between video games and real war. As the article says, "if looks and feels like a video game. But it kills real people." As it turns out,...

We feel fine

We Feel Fine is a web-installation, "a self-organizing particle system," art project that is powerful and touching - building as it does on people's emotions, harvested from blog postings from around the world. As the designers say, "We hope it makes the world seem a...

New ambigrams for a new blog!

What do you think this is? Take a guess...Well, it is the top half of a lake-reflection ambigram. What this means is that if you reflect what you see along a horizontal line at the bottom of the image, the picture you will then get will spell a word. Can you figure...

JTE Call for Proposals: Gen AI in Teacher Preparation

JTE Call for Proposals: Gen AI in Teacher Preparation

The Journal of Teacher Education (JTE), is the flagship journal of American Association of Colleges of Teacher education (AACTE). It has been a leading voice in the field of teacher preparation for 75 years and is one of the most widely read professional journals in...

1 Comment

  1. Larry

    Cool. That is cool picture.


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