Happy 2012

by | Monday, December 26, 2011

Every Christmas-break our family creates a stop-motion video new year’s greeting card. We have been doing this for 4 years or so and it is an incredibly fun way to spend time together. It has become a “signature” thing we do as a family. Anyway this year was no exception – though it took us much longer than before to come up with a good idea – and then to execute it was another challenge. Anyway, here it is (on Vimeo).

A very wonderful holidays and a very happy new year to all of you,
from Shreya, Soham, Smita & Punya

Just a few comments on the making of these videos. First, all our new-year videos are stop-motion videos. That’s how we made the first one and it has stuck. Second, all these videos are somewhat typographical in nature – playing with words and their representation. Third, these videos rarely feature us either individually or as a family. A hand or a still-frame may show up once in a while but for the most part our videos are made with inanimate objects.

This year I tried to change all three of these, suggesting that we make a live action video, with us as actors – and have some kind of a puzzle that was not related to words. After spending days thinking about this, working with various ideas, this whole line of thought was vetoed down by both Soham and Shreya. It was interesting to me that over time we had not only become a family that makes videos but a family that makes stop motion videos! How cool an identity is that! Of course, this meant that we then had to start over from scratch to come up with something that fit what we had done in the past.

Speaking of videos made in the past, you can see them by following the links below:

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Momentary Lapis Lazuli of Reason: Academia for better or verse

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Affective feedback from computers (Mishra, 2006)

Mishra, P. (2006). Affective Feedback from Computers and its Effect on Perceived Ability and Affect: A Test of the Computers as Social Actor Hypothesis. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia. 15 (1), pp. 107-131. Abstract: We report an experimental study...

A Socio-cultural Perspective on Creativity,  Tech & Ed

A Socio-cultural Perspective on Creativity, Tech & Ed

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1 Comment

  1. Raju Arumugham

    Dear Dr Punya

    Yet another creative new year greetings? thanks for the wish. I wish you a very prosperous new year.

    Just to remind you, I was in MSU as a Humphrey Fellow.

    After coming back from US I resigned from my job at Ford and started my own Institute for workforce development. Please go through the web site ( still under construction) http://www.investhope.in

    I would like to know if there are any grants for this effort which will make the impoverished ITI technicians to raise their levels to global standards.

    Thanks and regards



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