Sliding into 2018

by | Friday, December 29, 2017

Over the years our family has developed a mini-tradition of creating short videos to celebrate the new year. These videos are short, always typographical, and usually incorporate some kind of a visual illusion. Our craft has improved over the years, something that can be seen in the overall quality of the videos (link to past videos below). And all this within a budget that has rarely exceeded $10.

View our 10th video, titled Sliding into 2018 created with a budget of  $1.98!!

The previous 10 new year’s videos can be found here: Illusory New Year Videos.

How does this work and how did we do it?

Topics related to this post: Ambigrams | Art | Creativity | Design | Fun | Personal | Psychology | Puzzles | Worth Reading

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  1. Kishor Mokashi

    Very nice Mishra family . Wish you all very happy new year . And all of us miss you all .

  2. Chelsie Hancock

    So fun! Can I join the Mishra Family??? Happy 2018, I look forward to continued learning together.

  3. Bikash

    Wishing you and your family a great new year. Loved the video! 🙂


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