The 2012 U.S. News rankings of graduate programs in education have been released and there is good news for our college and department. Overall, the College of Education at Michigan State is ranked 17th which is where we were last year. It appears that our reputation ratings from, two key audiences, academic peers and administrators, is quite high.
More specifically, graduate Programs are ranked as follows.
Elementary Education–#1 for the 17th consecutive year (from the beginning of U.S. News rankings)
Secondary Education–#1 (same as above)
Curriculum and Instruction–#2
Rehabilitation Counseling–#2
Educational Psychology–#4 (my home department and up one rank from last year!!)
Higher Education Administration–#4
Administration and Supervision (K-12)–#8
Educational Policy–# 11
It is not clear just what these rankings mean (and how to interpret them) but it is good to know just where we stand 🙂