Multi-national TPACK tour

by | Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I leave tomorrow (actually today, given that it is past midnight as I write this) on a multi-national TPACK tour. I touch 4 countries in around 2 weeks!!

I am taking a non-stop flight from Newark NJ to New Delhi, for the first time ever. It is a 15 hour flight and I am sure I will be a bit cranky by the time I reach New Delhi. I don’t get much time to rest, however, since I have to leave for Malaysia the very next day.

I reach Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on the 9th where I will be received at the airport by two MSU alumni (Kurnia Yahya and Rajendran Nagappan). I spend the night at Kuala Lumpur and leave the next day for Penang where I will spend the next few days at the University Sains Malaysia with the Center for Instructional Technology & Multimedia. My contact there is Dr. Binti Rozinah Jamaludin, who has gone out of her way to make this trip possible. No thanks can be enough. I will give a talk there and meet with faculty and students before returning to Kuala Lumpur on the 13th.

On the 14th I leave for Taiwan where Hsueh-Hua Chuang (a graduate of Iowa State University, whom I met at SITE08) has arranged a hectic schedule of events. I am to give talks at Chiayi University, Chung Cheng University and the National Sun Yat-Sen University, all in two days!

I leave Taiwan on the 18th for Hong Kong where I will be giving a talk to the University of Hong Kong‘s Faculty of Education. This part of the trip was facilitated by Dr. Nancy Law, again someone I met at SITE08.

Finally, I return to Delhi on the 20th. I have some meetings planned but also plan to spend some time with my in-laws and parents before returning back to East Lansing on the 11th of June, just in time to begin my summer teaching.

As it turns out, as I spread the TPACK gospel in Asia, Matt Koehler will be doing the same, but without the hassle of air travel. Matt and I have been invited to present the TPACK framework at the 12th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education. I guess if the idea was to spread the TPACK word, it may have just been cheaper to stay right here 🙂

That said, I am really looking forward to this trip even while knowing that it is going to be rather hectic. I hope to be blogging along the way but that depends on the kind of internet access I will have.

Topics related to this post: Conference | India | News | Personal | Research | TPACK

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1 Comment

  1. Paraiso Philippines - Tourism and Travel Guide

    Good luck with everything, keep blogging.



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