Cosmetic changes

by | Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I have made some cosmetic changes to the way the blog looks. The sidebars are now light blue, to differentiate them from the middle (content heavy) column. Once I did this I realized that I did not need that boxy border around the middle column, and pouf, it was gone. I think the site has a cleaner, less cluttered look now.

Topics related to this post: Design | Fun | Personal

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Ads in Video Games

A couple of people have emailed me about the Obama campaign inserting advertisements into video games. Check out this Flickr set with screenshots of these advertisements. Most of the press is reporting that these ads show up in just racing games but as these...

WHY: The most important question of all

Why do anything at all? This blog post is a collection of videos and images that I have collected over time that speak to the pointlessness of trying to find an answer to this question and how one question, even if answered, leads to many more. This is the kind of...

Untangling a decade of creativity scholarship

Untangling a decade of creativity scholarship

How do we capture a program of scholarship in an image? This is particularly complicated when the work is a tangled web of connections between research, teaching and practice, spread out over multiple publications, presentations and people. One attempt to do...

The perception of taste

A new study (with brain scanning no less) indicates that the more expensive the wine the better it tastes. As the MindHacks article (Higher price makes cheap wine taste better) reports, participants rated the more expensive wine as being more likeable even it was...

Mea maxima culpa

I try to be scrupulous about giving credit where it is due and yet I messed up big time. This happened over a year ago and to my dismay I did not think about it or realize it till this moment. A year or so ago we received the 2008 MSU-AT&T Instructional Technology...

On taking beautiful risks

On taking beautiful risks

Dr. Ronald Beghetto, Professor of Educational Psychology in the Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut, is an internationally recognized expert on creative thought and action in educational settings. He is a Fellow of the American...

Defining design (one view)

I am on the Design Research Listerv and every once in a while a discussion rages online about the defining design. Gunnar Swanson (of the Gunnar Swanson Design Office and faculty at at East Carolina University) has created a flash movie that (as he says) "lays out...

Master’s course wins ATT Award

Just got the news from Carrie Albin, Outreach Coordinator of our Educational Technology Certificate Program (which is part of our Master's in Educational Technology program) that our CEP810 (Teaching for Understanding with Computers) course earned first place in the...

1 Comment

  1. leigh

    Something to ponder– I don’t look @ your actual blog, I see your feed in my reader. There was no clutter in the way I was experiencing your blog! 🙂 You may want to consider adding this plug-in ( It increases the functionality of your feed by allowing users to quickly share your post via facebook, delicious, etc.


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