I have made some cosmetic changes to the way the blog looks. The sidebars are now light blue, to differentiate them from the middle (content heavy) column. Once I did this I realized that I did not need that boxy border around the middle column, and pouf, it was gone. I think the site has a cleaner, less cluttered look now.
Postdictable, the commercials
I had written earlier about the idea of "postdictable" which was defined as something that is "surprising initially, but then understandable with a bit of thought." It lies at the spot between predictability and total chaos. The movie Sixth Sense is postdictable in...
Something to ponder– I don’t look @ your actual blog, I see your feed in my reader. There was no clutter in the way I was experiencing your blog! 🙂 You may want to consider adding this plug-in (http://sharethis.com/) It increases the functionality of your feed by allowing users to quickly share your post via facebook, delicious, etc.