The brilliantly twisted mind of PES

by | Thursday, March 13, 2008

I discovered PES a couple of years ago when searching for examples of stop motion animation on the web. One glimpse of his work and I was smitten. Combine a prefect sense of timing and shot composition with a whimsical and surrealistic point of view and you get some of the most creative and brilliant short films you will ever see. It is no wonder that PES has been called a “master storyteller” with a “glittering imagination.”

Check out his website eatPES and be prepared to lose a few hours of your life, once you get there.

As an aside, here is another amazing piece of stop motion animation, the history of American wars as a Food Fight! [Thanks to Yechen Zhao for bringing this to my attention.]

Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Film | Fun | Photography | Representation | Video

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