Bic to vase: Cool idea

by | Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A vase for a daisy, made from a plastic bic pen. (Website here).

Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Design | Fun | Good | Bad Design | Photography

A few randomly selected blog posts…

Update V

Here is an email from Rita Selle-Grider, of Young Bright Minds & Inventors Academy. I have spoken about her response (which I admired, contrasting it with some of the other responses I have been getting). I include the complete email below (with her permission). What...

Coding + Aesthetics: New Journal Article

Coding + Aesthetics: New Journal Article

Does beauty have a role to play in learning to code? Can code aspire to beauty and elegance? In this article, we argue that it does and it should. Read on... Good, J., Keenan, S. & Mishra, P. (2016). Education:=Coding+Aesthetics; Aesthetic Understanding,...

The reductive seduction of other people’s problems

The reductive seduction of other people’s problems

The reductive seduction of other people's problems, Illustration by Punya Mishra Anurag Behar forwarded an article: The Reductive Seduction of Other People’s Problems, which I really think is a must-read for any of us involved in education or development. The...

On embodiment in online learning

Patrick Dickson just forwarded me an essay from the Chronicle of Higher Education, titled The Sensuous Classroom: Focusing on the Embodiment of Learning [Subscription required]. In this article Suzanne Kelly, the author, bemoans the absence of the physical body from...

Leigh’s awesome acceptance speech at AACTE

As I had written earlier, the EPET Program received the 2013 Best Practice Award for the Innovative Use of Technology, awarded by the  American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education  (AACTE).  This is an incredible honor and makes all of us (faculty, staff, and...

The existence of futility

I have written about the value of seeing humor in the futility of existence (see this and this) but humor can also be found in the existence of futility. Below is a motivational video that demonstrates this fact. Enjoy......

TPACK @ Henrico

The Innovative Educator had a recent post about how the "Henrico County School system has adopted TPACK as the Framework for professional development and 21st Century Learning." Read the complete story Using TPACK as a Framework for Tech PD, Integration and...

The end of the university II

From my end of the university as we know it series, here is another article, this time from The Washington Monthly, titled College for $99 a Month: The next generation of online education could be great for students—and catastrophic for universities. Here are some key...

Soham starts college, new ambigram,

We dropped off my eldest at the University of Michigan today. He begins the next stage of his life. We couldn't be more excited. Here is a new ambigram design to mark this occasion. Soham whichever way you look at it, with UMich colors! Mouseover the image to rotate...


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