Sitar Hero!

by | Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Why I love the Internets 🙂

Topics related to this post: Art | Creativity | Fun | Games | Representation

A few randomly selected blog posts…

What do they know? Video projects on understanding

In my summer classes I have the participants complete a video assignment on understanding. This year as always my students worked in groups over a week-and-a-half to select their topics, develop interview protocols, video tape people as they answered their questions,...

The distance education revolution

TCRecord this week features an article by Gary Natriello titled Modest Changes, Revolutionary Possibilities: Distance Learning and the Future of Education. As the abstract says In this essay, I take stock of the developments shaping distance learning and consider the...

21st century learning article receives ISTE award

Back in July 2013, the Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education (JDLTE) published our paper on 21st Century Learning. This paper written with Kristen Kereluik, Chris Fahnoe and Laura Terry looked at over a dozen different 21st century learning frameworks and...

Happy 2012

Every Christmas-break our family creates a stop-motion video new year's greeting card. We have been doing this for 4 years or so and it is an incredibly fun way to spend time together. It has become a "signature" thing we do as a family. Anyway this year was no...

Student engagement, a response to @ewilliams65

In a couple of previous blog post (Student engagement in school, the tale of 2 graphs and Understanding student engagement) I wrote about  the findings of a recent Gallup Poll on student engagement. The first post was concerned with how the data were represented and...

Another New Year’s card

We just created another New Year's Card / Video. Check it out: Shreya's Magic Touch [youtube width="425" height="355"][/youtube]

Of tools and disciplines (OR the TPK in TPACK)

One of the many things I have to do as a faculty member is review grant proposals. This is an important service to the field, but truth be told, given how busy I am I do see it as somewhat of a chore. I was recently reviewing some educational research proposals for a...

TPACK Handbook, Chapter 1

There have been many requests for the first chapter of the TPACK Handbook (recently published by AACTE & Routledge). Below is the summary and a link to the pre-publication version. Koehler, M.J., & Mishra, P. (2008). Introducing TPCK. AACTE Committee on...

David Jiles, Ph.D., Creativity Expert, Plagiarist!

I do not know who David Jiles, Ph.D. is. I do know that he is a plagiarist, an intellectual crook and a thief of the highest order! I do not write these words lightly. I was first informed of this by Mike Deschryver and have over the past few days attempted to look...


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