Arriving in Malaysia

by | Friday, May 09, 2008

I am currently in Kuala Lumpur, arrived here last night, after spending a night at Delhi.

I stayed with my old high-school buddy (Hartosh) and his wife, Paminder. We spent a nice evening chatting and catching up – since a lot had happened since we had last met, not the least of it was their marriage. [Incidentally, Hartosh is the co-author, with another of my high-school friends – Gaurav Suri, of the mathematical novel A Certain Ambiguity, that I had blogged about earlier here.]

At Kuala Lumpur, I was received at the airport by Rajendran Nagappan and his wife Shukantala. Rajendran is a graduate of our TE PhD program and is currently member of the Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development at the Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. Rajendran and Shakuntala took me to a wonderful little restaurant – excellent south-Indian food, served on Banana leaves! I have some pictures I will post here when I get a chance.

Kurnia Yahya, another of our graduates, will be picking me up sometime soon to take me around Kuala Lumpur and then I fly later this afternoon to Penang.

Topics related to this post: India | Personal | Travel

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  1. soham mishra

    did you have to eat the banana leaves?


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